New  Family Supports 

Breastfeeding Support

Providing free in-office and in-home breastfeeding support and education through La Leche League Canada.

Postpartum Support

In-home postpartum support includes:

  • parent education

  • infant care

  • lactation & feeding support

  • meal planning & cooking

  • light cleaning


Infant Massage


Infant massage classes with an IAIM trained instructor. Infant Massage promotes bonding and attachment between child and caregiver, enhances sleep, digestion, and long-term emotional well-being and promotes healthy growth and development.

Reiki for Parents

Energy healing works to relax and realign the body’s energy and chakras, leading to a reduction in stress, pain, and sleep disturbances and an acceleration in the body’s natural healing process -- all things we as parents need, and all things that can help our child(ren). Learn how to realign yourself as a parent, and how to balance your child in this workshop with a certified Reiki Master. Online course coming soon.