Somatic Therapy
What is somatic therapy?
σῶμα /ˈ body
Somatic Therapy is a healing modality that focuses on changing the way our bodies process and hold traumatic experiences through a combination of techniques designed to help strengthen your mind-body connection, move stored trauma out of the body, and build strategies to prevent future storage. If you have heard the phrase “the body keeps the score” or have read Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s book, you may understand that our bodies have a tendency to store trauma resulting in physical symptoms and a disconnect between the mind and the body. Somatic Therapy is most beneficial for people experiencing chronic stress, burnout, PTSD, anxiety, grief, anxiety, trust and intimacy challenges, depression, and low self-esteem.
Somatic Treatments may involve:
Body Mapping (discovering where emotions present in the body)
Titration (guidance through traumatic memories while addressing them in real time)
Pendulation (guidance from a relaxed state, to emotional experiencing, and back to a relaxed state)
Resourcing (recalling and establishing resources in life that promote feelings of safety)