Movement & Breathwork

Yin Yoga

A slow, mindful yoga practice, where postures are held for longer periods of time to encourage a harmonious connection between the mind and the nervous system.

All levels.

Prenatal Yoga

A great way to relax and keep your body strong through pregnancy. Classes include gentle stretching, mindful postures and breathing techniques. All levels.

Please consult your physician before engaging in physical activity.

Postnatal Yoga

A practice dedicated to promoting healing and reconnection to your body. Classes include gentle stretching and mindful flows. All levels.

Please consult your physician before engaging in physical activity.

Teddy Bear Yoga

An exciting, engaging class to connect and move with your toddler. One parent per child is recommended as this class is fully hands on.


Return to Breath

A guided, gentle breathwork class to reconnect participants with their bodies and their breath.

All levels.

Class Schedule